Updated: Best Internet Data Plans For Smartphones in 2015

The competition is really getting hotter from our ISPs and this is giving me great joy as I believe data plans would soon be very cheap and affordable for the masses.

As a student, getting an alert about data bundle expiry really saddens me as that means extra savings from allowances. Sometimes when it's not just possible to get the subscription funds, you'll just have to stay without the internet which can be very boring.

In this post, we have compiled a list that's suites the average Nigerian internet user. With data plans at pocket friendly prices compared to the exuberant prices charged by our ISPs in the past months.

Best Internet Data Plans For Smartphones

  • Airtel 1GB for #1,000 

After the release of thier double Android data, which gives 4GB at #2,000. Airtel NG was forced to come up with a cheaper data plan so as not to be overthrown by thier competitors and that's when this plan got released. The plan gives it's subscribers 1GB of data for #1,000 which is equivalent to over 1MB/Naira. You can subscribe to this plan by dialing *141*1*3*1#

Read: Airtel 4GB Android plan for #2,000

  • Etisalat 1GB for #1,000 and 2GB for #2,000

Like I said earlier, the competition is getting hotter! It's now evident our ISPs are trailing each other, I really pity those who still purchase the 260MB data plan for #1,000 as that's just a NO for me. This Etisalat data plan comes in two variants, you choose the one you can afford based on the price and the data cap. The 1GB data is sold at #1,000 while 2GB is sold at #2,000. Both plans last for 3odays.

To subscribe to the 1GB for #1,000 plan, dial *229*2*7#
To subscribe to the 2GB for #2,000 plan, dial *229*2*8#

  • MTN 2015MB BetterMe Bundle for #2,015

This plan was launched very early this year and a lot of people have really benefited from using this plan. The plan is even what MTN uses to promote most new devices from thier partners. At 1MB/Naira flat, you can enjoy browse/download/stream confidently for 30days. This is way much better than the 260MB plan for #1,000.
To subscribe to this plan, dial *123*4*3*1# or send "SPB" to 131.

  • GLO 4.5GB for #2,500

To me, the plan is kind of expensive in terms of affordability for an average internet user, but it's really worth the price though as the data can be used day and night for one month. At least, it's a greater choice than the 350MB for #1,000 plan.

To subscribe to this plan, dial *127*58#

With the above, we think we have covered what we consider the cheapest and most affordable data plans across all our ISPs in Nigeria. Kindly bear in mind that this list will always be updated from time to time as we hope for cheaper data plans in the future.

In case you were wondering why the GLO and MTN bis plans were not included, it's because they require additional settings/apps for them to work on other devices apart from that which the plans were created for. Happy surfing!

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Jimoh Olajide

A dedicated blogger who puts all his talents in his works. Internet denizen, Music Aficionado, Reader, Technophile, Critic, Contrarian and Game freak!

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