Say No To Distractions From Incoming Calls - Manage Calls Effectively

This afternoon while I was relaxing with a game on my device, this call just came in from an unknown number and I was left with no choice but to accept the call and annoyingly enough, it was just one of those advertisement call from my network provider.

That moment was very annoying as it disrupted the fun at that time, although I can't put away the fact that the major reason why a phone is built is to make and receive calls but the kind of device I use is a smartphone and allows me access to various activities like sending or receiving mails, taking pictures, listening to music and many more not to be mentioned here.

After this event, I went on a short search in my appstore and finally stumbled upon this app named CallHeads.

CallHeads is an Android app that allows you to manage incoming calls without disrupting whatever you're doing at that moment. For instance, you might be composing a note or reminder when the call came in, the app allows your call to display as a popup, just like a messenger notification instead of the fullscreen notification.

This leaves you with the option of saving your work or jotting down your idea completely before receiving the call.
This app actually works great as you even have the option of pending/postponing a call while you finish off a video record or a game.

Save yourself from future interruptions, grab a copy of this app now and I bet you won't regret having it on your list.

Download link
CallHeads - phone call app | Playstore

Jimoh Olajide

A dedicated blogger who puts all his talents in his works. Internet denizen, Music Aficionado, Reader, Technophile, Critic, Contrarian and Game freak!

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