5 Basic Mistakes Bloggers Make and How To Correct Them

Definitely! Blogging is not for everybody, I just shake my head in pity of those guys that says "What's there in it? just compose an article and get it out online, then get paid", some even say it your face that "Blogging is one of the easiest things in existence, just copy and paste a post from one site to your blog" - That's Plagiarism!

The truth is, they are actually wrong. Blogging is not as easy as they think. Just any educated guy with a good grammar can't be a blogger, blogging requires experience, skill and dedication and it is this kind of people without this features that eventually rush out in the end without gaining anything. When they say "Experience is a great teacher", I totally agree but the point is, how you utilize your gained experience matters a lot.

Do a thorough research, know why you failed at various attempts and work towards correcting your mistakes. retrying without applying your experience and corrections still keeps you in the same circle. at the end of the day, you get annoyed and get rid of your blog, at a later time, you set to begin again (Back to square one).

In this post, I shall be highlighting 5 basic errors most bloggers make when running their blogs, most especially the first timers. These errors are based on what I have experienced and are the elementary things we often overlook but it deeply affects our blog.

5 Basic Mistakes Bloggers Make and How To Correct Them

  1.  Working Without A Goal: Before you rush in into blogging, ask yourself why you want to be a blogger? there are basically two responses you can get to this question which are for fun and for money. if you're blogging for money, there's a likely chance for your blog to fail because you will be too concentrated on making money quickly thereby ignoring the basic things you need to observe and implement for the growth of your blog. You should see blogging more of fun than as an avenue to get rich quickly. start with this motive and get dedicated to producing quality contents. at the long run, the money will definitely come in and your hard work will surely pay.
    A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder - Thomas Carlyle
  2. Belonging to the Wrong Niche: One of the greatest tragedy that can ever befall a blogger is to fall into the wrong Niche. This problems actually arises if you started blogging for money, most people rush into the entertainment niche because of the high population of people not minding their own businesses, but unknown to them, News easily become old fashioned. No one has the time to re-read the same news from different blog, why should they? but for a Niche like technology, fashion, education or the likes, different people have different versions of works and you would enjoy reading most of them because you needed to gain something from them. You should consider a lot of factors like interest, continuity and competition when choosing your niche, a Niche chosen based on this consideration is set to last longer than the one you find yourself in.

  3. Ignoring SEO and Social Media: When I said blogging is not an easy task, I had reasons for saying so, A lot of people after clicking on the publish button, do not care to promote their content and this makes me wonder if they were expecting bots to read their contents. The social media is one of the best ways to promote your online content. Ignoring Social media and Search Engine Optimization can make your blog get lost in the wind as you will not be getting enough traffic on your blog. To learn how automatically publish you blog posts to your social profiles, click this link and for you best SEO practices, Google is your best friend.

  4. Bad Publishing Times: Ever wondered why the SCHEDULE feature is on your Content management software? It's not just there for fun, Please do utilize it. I would necessarily be on my bed and not read that post if it was posted at midnight, or when am at work. Observe your followers and know the time you get the highest traffic to your blog and publish your post as at that time. This may not be advisable for a news blog as it may end up being an old story later in the day.
  5. Bad Post Formatting and Too Long Posts: Content is king, Yes! I agree, but when a post is not clearly formatted and it is longer than 2000+ words, your visitors will actually get tired of reading except it is a story. Use bold, Italics and underline where necessary, align you post and specify quotes, use links responsibly and avoid using tiny fonts on your blog. keep your headings cleans and probably enroll for a training in word processing if you find it difficult to use a word processor.


Mistakes are certainly unavoidable and the more mistakes we make, the more we learn and add to our experiences. But for every mistake we make, there's always a lesson we learn. It all depends on our choices never to make them a hobby by constantly repeating those mistakes.
These are some of the minor but important mistakes newbie bloggers make when running a blog for the first time.

Over To You

Did you fall into any of the categories?
What were the mistakes you think you made while running your blog as a newbie?
What was the step you took? did you get over the mistakes?

Let's hear from you... The comment box is always open for you!


Jimoh Olajide

A dedicated blogger who puts all his talents in his works. Internet denizen, Music Aficionado, Reader, Technophile, Critic, Contrarian and Game freak!

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